10 Essential Fashion Tips

17 Jun


So you want to get noticed by the ladies, check out these 10 essential tips that every guy should know…

1. Don’t make it complicated
There is nothing better than getting tonnes of new clothes but the last thing you want to do is wear them all at once and get bored of them. Keep your wardrobe simple. You don’t want people to think you are in costume. If you want to look sharp, you should wear a nice fitted shirt, a blazer, dark jeans with a belt and sharp shoes are essential to top that off. Girls will not appreciate lots of jewellery on a guy, a nice watch however, never fails!

2. It’s the little things
Sometimes a little detail can go a long way. There is nothing more beautiful than a girl who can wake up in the morning and look hot, the same goes for a man, don’t overdo it with hair gel, immaculate trimming of your beard, fake tan etc. The well groomed natural look is the way to go. Add a scarf, cufflinks, open the top button of your shirt, smile and looking confident are just small things that can go a long way.

3. To shave or not?
Nothing is more unattractive than a guy who has let himself go when it comes to facial hair. Keeping a well groomed beard can add maturity to a man’s face so people will take him more seriously. Don’t let it get wild, but keep it short and tidy. A clean shave with a bit of moisturiser afterwards can make your face look fresh and young. Its all a matter of preference really. And remember, its not just the hair on your face that needs to be maintained if you know what I’m saying…

4. Never go shopping alone
Its always good to have that second opinion when it comes to the way you look when trying on new clothes. Its always good to try new styles when you are in the store and experiment a bit. Sometimes you might surprise yourself and it will be beneficial to have your friend tell you whether it suits you and that you aren’t getting carried away with the price.

5. The fit is vital
Besides physically getting in shape, the next most important thing is making sure that your clothes fit the shape of your body. The clothes you wear should be almost hugging your body and must not be tight. Its always good to find out your sizes before you go shopping so you know exactly where to start.

6. Footwear
The one item of clothing that gets dirty most quickly are your shoes and they are also the hardest to keep clean. Invest in nice footwear and take care of them. Don’t wear them when they are not necessary such as to a music festival or out walking in the rain. However, don’t make the rest of your outfit look shabby by wearing your fancy new alligator leather shoes, they will only make you look ridiculous!

7. Being casual
Looking casual to some means dressing down, however this should not be the case. It just means that you don’t need to wear you fancy new dress suit. Dark jeans and a nice white shirt is probably one of the most simple outfits a guy can wear, but it just so happens to be one of the looks that is attractive to most women.

8. Know your body
Many people don’t wear clothes that fit their body. If you want to look good, don’t wear skinny jeans if you weigh 400 lbs or wear XXL when you should be wearing Small! To many it is common sense, but it needs to be said as the rest seem to be oblivious to it.

9. Branding
Don’t wear clothes just for their brands. Check out the quality of the item first and see if it stylish enough for your purpose? And only wear sports clothing and jerseys to sports events.

10. Trends
Don’t fall into the trap of trends. Be your own person and buy clothes that look well and suit you and your personality. You dont want to look like everybody else. You want to stand out from the crowd and get noticed without looking like a fool. Who knows, you might even start a new trend of your own!

Why Natalie Portman is the Perfect Woman

16 Jun

She’s HOT!



She looks well in tight clothing!


She has a degree from Harvard!


She was a talented actress from a young age


She likes to dress up!


You could introduce her to your mother


She can Dance


She Kisses other GIRLS!


And then there is this:

Following My Sexy Girlfriend All Around The World

15 Jun

Check out these impressive pictures by Murad Osmann. Clearly a talented photographer, who by the looks of it, lets his beautiful girlfriend drag him all around the world. That’s some beautiful ‘scenery’ right there…
















You can see more of his work here: